I have said from the beginning that Barack Obama, while nice guy, is totally unprepared to be president and does not have enough experience either in politics or business as a leader. I believe his administration will be measured this way when it is all said and done.
Once the personality politics of the Obama administration is totally worn off we’ll be down to leadership and that means he leads and he executes and others follow. That’s not happening because he doesn’t think that way. He talks a big game but in the end he’s a “work behind the scenes” guy that doesn’t want to anger anyone and he’s a “we verse them” guy when the pressure is on.
My evidence? No where in his background has he ever run a company. Also, no where in his background has he led in politics until the campaign – and despite what the press indicated (Obama making all the calls), history will prove that he was the “China doll” and the strings were being pulled by the likes of Axelrod, Emanuel and others – who only know how to rabbit punch in the Chicago style.
He was an untouchable in Illinois and he did very little as a legislator no matter what is drummed up on his resume. He never stayed in one place long enough to develop position or lead a cause even. The health care thing is being attributed to HIS cause etc. He’s never had that cause till now. It’s a democratic cause but it’s not his. He’s at the point now. As I have indicated in previous notes, we NEVER bothered to visit Obama on our lobbying trips because OBAMA NEVER DID ANYTHING.
Today, the head of the Afghanistan military theater - his top general - called for 30 to 40 thousand surge troops for Afghanistan. Leftist Democrats in congress are already screaming. Obama totally hedged with reporters today when asked if he would fulfill the request of his generals. "No position Obama" said – 1) he wants to get it right (i.e. “gee we have to use the right process) and 2) we don’t want to do anything that puts our young people in harms way (wow that’s innovative). Point is on #1 - THAT’S A GIVEN. Point #2 – THAT IS ALSO A GIVEN.
Obama has no strategy. He’ll have a meeting. I just hope that our troops can wait. Obama’s political advisors are pressuring him HEAVILY to avoid becoming LBJ of Afghanistan. The way for Obama to save a second term? Stand up to the antiwar Democratic liberal crowd and act like a commander and chief. Obama RAN on this war – “George Bush took his eye off Afghanistan” Now he’s stuck. He needs to ignore the political advisers and TAKE ACTION to do the right thing in Afghanistan and he will become a leader worthier of ANY historical analysis.
In the mean time, the FBI found 12 back packs in Aurora, Colorado today - tied to the ones in New York. If you don't recall the terror network that blew up the Spanish train did so with back pack bombs. The network thrives - and were actually trying to close the Cuban jail - duh!
In another mean time, Obama’s doing David Letterman and a bunch of other shows about the “non-crisis” of health care (he called it that in his speech to congress.) Max Backas gave up trying to get Reps to vote for the health bill today. Brought it out of committee - dead on arrival.
The real crisis is Afghanistan – not health care. Obama is a rookie regarding war. He has no choice. He will HAVE to support his generals. If he doesn’t then there’s no hope. If Eisenhower was in office – he could argue the points with his General. Obama must go with their suggestions. He knows nothing about it.
Not everyone can be Eisenhower but Obama went way out on a limb in his anti-Iraq, anti-Bush chatter during the campaign because he knew that he would get the liberal democratic vote if he did. Hillary is stronger here. (Oh, and bye the way, look for Hillary to quit mid term and gear up for her 1012 run against Obama and whomever the Republicans put up – if they can FIND someone).
Americans EXPECT the process to be sound. Americans EXPECT their president to consider the troops. THAT’S NOT THE QUESTION THAT WAS ASKED over the weekend, Mr. President. Ok, you don’t have to take a stand at a press conference. I'll give you that.
But he is learning on the job. He knows that if he goes to congress (and of course he’ll HAVE to do so since the Democrats bitched the whole time because Bush didn't come to them), the congressional, war baby, anti war crowd in congress that has NEVER left the 60’s behind (as has been stated here before) will have to fight with him. I can tell you that 60’s children will not be for war EVER. Even Obama acknowledged in the campaign that there are "good" wars. He did so in his victory speech in Chicago on election night. So here’s Obama facing another dilemma and split in his own party.
As government always does, Obama messed with free trade by imposing a trade tax on tires imported from China. Politicians do this all the time to get votes (both Dems and Republicans). There’s an old saying, “don’t get in a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel” (the press). Similarly, don’t get in a fight with the people who are financing your debt. China has retaliated and our economy will, at best, draw even on this one. BUT – the unions are happy since union shops make tires. Look at all the stuff that Obama and Dem congress do. It’s all about Unions who give them a lot of money and votes.
Health Care - will fail
Afghanistan - will rip the Democrats apart
Environmental cap and trade – It’s already dead
2010 – Major gains for the Republicans will weaken Obama within his own party
Stimulus? – Nothing’s hit yet except government union work.
The market is fixing itself and it’s not done yet. Business is cutting costs – including staff – which is why jobs are still shedding. What the heck happened with the plan to buy bad debts (under Bush) and put the bad debts under government to protect the good? Instead they just gave money to the banks and the banks still didn’t make loans AND they still have those bad debts on their books. The fed actions have yet to fully impact but the net effect of the trillions spent will be debt. The tea parties and a lot of other Americans have started to figure that out.
It’s not going well and I believe the 53% hated Bush so much that they voted against Bush (even though he was not running). Nobody did their homework on Obama because the wanted to believe he was a savior – they bought the hype and the hype was drummed up by the major media – many were duped.
I don’t hear the liberals pounding their chest anymore. The too know that it’s not working. They don’t know why because they never studied the issues when they voted. They hoped for Change. Obama was never pressed for facts and the public DID NOT ask "where's the beef." They voted on hope instead of solid analysis. They also voted as if America is the only factor in the card game. It’s not. Even the Obama and company thought they’d lead the world. We don't make all the calls anymore.
Germany’s speech had no effect. His trip to Egypt had no effect on Iranians and he’s managed to totally anger the Jewish state at a level not seen ever before (and Jews at home by the way – a group of people that have been supportive of #1 Democrats and #2 Civil rights since the 60’s) .
Bush was the one everyone in the world hated – remember? It was all trumped up and it was untrue. Bush laid a huge democracy gauntlet down in the Middle East and now we have a democratic state right in the middle of it all. The Iraq today is what the Philippines and Hawaii was in 1939. Whether they or the political left likes it or not – we’re there and it’s a good thing we are or there would be chaos.
I pray Obama gets the sense and history of his office and becomes commander and chief and leads in Afghanistan. The war, he stated on the campaign trail, was the war that was IMPORTANT against terrorism. I think America would believe that. So Obama will have to back those word against his party.
On a final note – the White House announced another two months delay in close Guantanamo Bay today.
One more thing. Don't yell at my President when he's giving a speech in Congress - no matter what he says.
One more thing. Mr. Carter – shut up! (A Georgian attributing everything to race - ok our roots are not that far way.)
With that said. I like Obama as a person. Smart, gentle and considerate. He’s just not ready for the seriousness of the job – let’s pray to God that he learns on the job. America needs a strong President.
They certainly aren’t getting leadership out of Congress.
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